About the Lab

A shared purpose drives the MIT LIFT Lab community: Our mission of service to develop a better world. 

The MIT LIFT Lab Research Team (i.e., Director, Project Manager, Postdoctoral Researchers, Ph.D. students, Master students) plans, designs, and executes high-impact research projects.

Our initiative contributes to the survival and growth of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), specifically by improving their supply chain management (SCM) capabilities. MSEs are the primary focus of our work because they represent most of the firms in Latin America, representing the primary source of income for millions of families. Each year, hundreds of MSEs take part in the project, providing reliable data and information on their process and operations, allowing us to help them through the analysis of their performance to provide recommendations and make interventions.

To have a more significant impact in Latin America, we have strengthened our collaboration with partner universities. Our collaboration includes connections with faculty, International Research Collaborators, and students from 20+ universities in 10 countries in Latin America (Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Argentina). They are responsible for the primary data collection process and preliminary analysis in the field to provide actionable recommendations to the MSEs.

In addition, each year, we select outstanding students from our partner universities who have demonstrated passion and commitment to the project to become Visiting Students and conduct research at MIT.

Our Team

Dr. Josué Velázquez Martínez

Dr. Josué Velázquez Martínez


Dr. Sreedevi Rajagopalan

Dr. Sreedevi Rajagopalan

Postdoctoral Researcher

Camilo Mora Quiñones

Camilo Mora Quiñones

Postdoctoral Researcher

Tori Arnold

Tori Arnold

Project Manager

Maria Jose Chiang Rebatta

Maria Jose Chiang Rebatta

Project Coordinator

Fabio Castro

Fabio Castro

PhD Student

Junyi Sha

Junyi Sha

PhD Student

Yael Cervantes

Yael Cervantes

Master's Student

Andrés Camarillo

Andrés Camarillo

Master's Student

Marie Fillon

Marie Fillon

Master's Student

MIT Collaborators

Dr. Yossi Sheffi

Dr. Yossi Sheffi

Elisha Gray II Professor of Engineering Systems, Director of CTL

Dr. Matthias Winkenbach

Dr. Matthias Winkenbach

Director, Megacity Logistics Lab and CAVE Lab

Dr.  Jarrod Goentzel

Dr. Jarrod Goentzel

Director, MIT Humanitarian Supply Chain Lab

Dr. Joann De Zegher

Dr. Joann De Zegher

Assistant Professor, Operations Management

Dr. Charles Fine

Dr. Charles Fine

Chrysler Leaders for Global Operations Professor, MIT Sloan

International Collaborators

Dr. Cansu Tayaksi

Dr. Cansu Tayaksi

Assistant Professor, Boston University

Jairo Alberto Jarrín Quintero

Jairo Alberto Jarrín Quintero

Universidad de la Sabana

Dr. Jaime Alberto Palma Mendoza

Dr. Jaime Alberto Palma Mendoza

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México

Dr. Iván Andrés Arana Solares

Dr. Iván Andrés Arana Solares

Tecnologico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México

Dr. Karla Beatriz Valenzuela Ocaña

Dr. Karla Beatriz Valenzuela Ocaña

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe

Dr. José Calderón Lama

Dr. José Calderón Lama

Universidad de Piura

Dr. Brenda Liz Silupú Garcés

Dr. Brenda Liz Silupú Garcés

Universidad de Piura

Dr. Mario Chong

Dr. Mario Chong

Universidad del Pacífico

Dr. Carlos Suárez Núñez

Dr. Carlos Suárez Núñez

Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Dr. Martín Tanco

Dr. Martín Tanco

Universidad de Montevideo

Dr. Daniel Jurburg Melnik

Dr. Daniel Jurburg Melnik

Universidad de Montevideo

Dr. María Ileana Ruiz Cantisani

Dr. María Ileana Ruiz Cantisani

Tecnológico de Monterrey

Dr. Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas Barrón

Dr. Leopoldo Eduardo Cárdenas Barrón

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey

Ruth Guadalupe Castillo González

Ruth Guadalupe Castillo González

Universidad del Istmo

Dr. Maria Teresa Castaneda Galvis

Dr. Maria Teresa Castaneda Galvis

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Juan Carlos García Sánchez

Juan Carlos García Sánchez

Universidad Panamericana

Rocío Márquez Martínez

Rocío Márquez Martínez

Universidad Panamericana

Begoña Noriega

Begoña Noriega

Universidad Panamericana, Aguascalientes

Fabiola Lima Sagui

Fabiola Lima Sagui

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Laguna

Luis Aarón Ramírez

Luis Aarón Ramírez

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Toluca

Paúl Guerrero Vargas

Paúl Guerrero Vargas

Universidad de Piura

Dr. Jairo Nuñez Rodriguez

Dr. Jairo Nuñez Rodriguez

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Alejandro Cardenas

Alejandro Cardenas

Software Engineer

Rafael Escamilla

Rafael Escamilla

Tilburg University

Enrique Franco-Scherer

Enrique Franco-Scherer

Front-end Engineer

Dr. Eva Selene Hernández Gress

Dr. Eva Selene Hernández Gress

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Hidalgo

Dr. Fabiola Vasquez Garcia

Dr. Fabiola Vasquez Garcia

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe

MIT Alumni

Alessandro Scutari SCM '21

Analiz Cabrera Hernández SCM '20

Ashish Chhabria SCM '22

Aviva Tova Kosansky SCM '21

Bastian Silva GCLOG '19

Beatriz Hidalgo GCLOG '19

Blake Stimpson SCM '21

Bonaventure Muhongo SCM '18

Caio Negro GCLOG '17

Cecilia Salum GCLOG '17

Christian Gatmaitan SCM '20

Daniel Rodríguez GCLOG '18

Denise Chin GCLOG '19

Deviana Sia SCM '22

Elise Fredericks SCM '22

Elissar Samaha SCM '19

Elizabeth Raman Grubbs SCM '20

Emma Eustis SCM '23

Fadi Abou Chacra SCM '19


Federico G. dos Santos Izaguirre SCM '21

Frances Gremillion SCM '22

Gianmarco Merino SCM '23

Hannah Sonnenberg SCM '23

Heloisa Pinzon de A. Cesar GCLOG '18

Jessica Yao Xiong SCM '22

Jesus Guajardo SCM '22

Joshua Rocha SCM '19

Karim Farran SCM '22

Karla Romero GCLOG '17

Lisha Yangali SCM '20

Marcos Mogollon Linares SCM '21

Maria del Pila Pardo Rodriguez SCM '22

Mauricio García GCLOG '18

Mirna Arizaleta SCM '18

Nicolas Torrealba GCLOG '18

Nora Lestari SCM '22

Rafael Grillo Illipronti SCM '21


Rafaela Pereira Nunes SCM '18

Ramón Paulino SCM '18

Roberto Russo

Rosana Builes GCLOG '16

Sadia Rahman Shathi SCM '20

Sebastian Libál

Timothy McCormack SCM '22

Trevor Nathan Thompson SCM '20

Tzu-Ning Chao SCM '21

Valera Arizaleta GCLOG '18

Vrushali Shivaj Patil SCM '19

Xiaohan Zhu SCM '18

Ximena Castañon Choque SCM '18

Yan Huang SCM '20

Yen-Nong Su SCM '19

Yuchen Yvonne Cao SCM '20

Visiting Students

Alejandro Montenegro - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe '25

Agustín Pérez Hermosillo - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus León '19

Camilo Andrés Mora-Quiñones - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey '19

Carla Ligia Choque Hidalgo - Universidad Mayor de San Simón '17

Carolina Mendoza - Universidad EAFIT '16

Dafne Pamela Ugalde Saucedo - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey '17

Gianmarco A. Merino Sandoval - Universidad de Piura '17

Jorge Antonio Saldívar Rentería - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey '19

Martha Sofia Castillo Gomez - Universidad de Piura '19

Mauricio Enrique Rada Orellana - Universidad Del Pacifico '17

Mojdeh Azad - University of Tennessee, Knoxville '19

Montserrat Gaytán Gutiérrez - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus León '18

Omar Joaquín Rodríguez Loyo - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Veracruz '18

Paloma Santos Vela - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey '18 

Pamela Ugalde Saucedo - Tecnológico de Monterrey '17

Sayda Elka Benitez Villarreal - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey '19

Wilder Zuluaga Ospina - Universidad EAFIT '19