Determining the appropriate selling prices for products is one of the most crucial decisions shopkeepers face. ChecaPrecios is a freemium web application that enables shopkeepers to search for product prices and compare them with those in modern retail stores.
Observing facebook support groups containing over 100,000+ shopkeepers, we discovered that product pricing is the most frequent topic of discussion. ChecaPrecios was developed to address this common challenge, providing shopkeepers with the necessary tools to make informed pricing decisions.
ChecaPrecios is an innovative web application designed to empower shopkeepers by providing them with the ability to compare the prices of their products with those in other stores within their region. This app utilizes a comprehensive dataset comprising prices for 2,000+ products across thousands of stores in Mexico. The user-friendly interface of ChecaPrecios ensures that shopkeepers can easily gauge and adjust the prices of their products based on real-time data.

ChecaPrecios allows shopkeepers to:
- Search for specific products
- Track pricing trends over time
- Compare their prices with those of local stores
We initially launched a pilot version of the application to a select number of stores in Mexico. The positive reception and feedback from this pilot have been instrumental in refining the app. As of August 2024, we have fully launched the application and is being used by thousands of shopkeepers throughout Mexico.